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Recording live streams

Ant Media Server supports several types of live stream recording. Recording can be enabled or disabled from the AMS web panel or via the Rest API as well.

There are two options for recording:

  • Enable recording by default for all of incoming streams
  • Enable recording for a specific streamId.

In this document, we will go through MP4 and WebM recording and REST API calls to enable them.

Enabling recording

MP4 recording

To record live streams as MP4, we must first have the appropriate codecs that are compatible with the MP4 container. The most famous codec for this purpose is H.264, which is enabled as the default codec in Ant Media Server. If H.264 is disabled, mp4 recording will not be available.

You can set the H264 codec in the application settings via the web panel.

Screenshot from 2021-12-06 17-03-19

You can also set below property to enable the H264 codec via SSH. Edit /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/<your_app_name>/WEB-INF/ file and change the below setting:


Enabling MP4 recording by default for every stream

You can enable MP4 recording from the web panel under application settings.

Screenshot from 2021-12-06 16-20-31

Now, every stream that is published on a server will be recorded automatically in MP4 format.

Enabling MP4 recording for a specific stream

You can set each stream's recording individually via a REST API call. It allows users to start/stop recording a live stream when it is necessary and discard the rest to protect resources.

Here is the Record stream API.

Sample curl command to start MP4 recording for a particular stream;

curl -X 'PUT' 'http(s)://domain-or-IP:Port/AppName/rest/v2/broadcasts/streamId/recording/true?recordType=mp4' -H 'accept: application/json'

Once you call the above API, server will start recording the stream. To stop the recording, you need to make the status false.

curl -X 'PUT' 'http(s)://domain-or-IP:Port/AppName/rest/v2/broadcasts/streamId/recording/false?recordType=mp4' -H 'accept: application/json'

WebM Recording

To record webm-formatted files, we need to enable the VP8 codec in the Ant Media Server application. WebRTC supports WebM recording because it also supports VP8.

You can set the VP8 codec in the application settings via the web panel.

Screenshot from 2021-12-06 17-00-45

You can also set the below property to enable the VP8 codec via SSH. Edit the /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/<your_app_name>/WEB-INF/ file and change the below setting:


Enabling WebM recording by default for every stream

You can enable VP8 recording from the web panel under application settings.

Screenshot from 2021-12-06 17-09-46

Now, every stream that is published on a server will be recorded automatically in VP8 format.

Enabling WebM recording for a specific stream

You can set each stream's recording individually via a REST API call. It allows users to start/stop recording a live stream when it is necessary and discard the rest to protect resources.

Here is the Record stream API.

Sample curl command to start WebM recording for a particular stream;

curl -X 'PUT' 'http(s)://domain-or-IP:Port/AppName/rest/v2/broadcasts/streamId/recording/true?recordType=webm' -H 'accept: application/json'

Once you call the above API, server will start recording the stream. To stop the recording, you need to make the status false.

curl -X 'PUT' 'http(s)://domain-or-IP:Port/AppName/rest/v2/broadcasts/streamId/recording/false?recordType=webm' -H 'accept: application/json'

Additional entities of recording

Enable Date and Time to Recorded Files

You can also add the date time to recorded files by enabling the Add Date-Time to Record File names option in the application settings on the web panel.

Once the recording is completed, the record file name will be like streamId9666-2024-04-02_13-18-35.844.mp4 with a date and time.

Recording with different resolutions and bitrates

One of the main features of Ant Media Server is Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, which makes a difference when it comes to recording. If you enable any kind of recording with adaptive bitrate settings, server will record the stream in each resolution, like:

stream1_240p500kbps.mp4 or stream1_240p500kbps.webm

Enabling adaptive bitrate means the server is transcoding the video inside itself. This can extend the ability to record incoming streams.

Recording a stream which has different codec

Containers do not support every codec. Assume you are publishing with RTMP with H264 codec but you want to record in WebM format. But in order to record in WebM format, you need to enable the VP8 codec. In this case, Ant Media Server can transcode video and audio codecs to the required format with adaptive bitrate.

Let's say a 240p adaptive bitrate is added in application settings and RTMP publishing is ongoing. If you enable webM recording, 240p stream will be recorded, like stream1_240p500kbps.webm

Store recordings to another directory

AMS stores the recordings in the streams directory by default. The streams directory is located under usr/local/antmedia/webapps/AppName/streams.

For example, if you are using the LiveApp application, the streams directory will be usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams.

If you would like to store the recordings (VoDs) in another directory/location, it is recommended to create a symbolic link.

For live streams, create a symbolic link:

sudo cp -p -r /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/appname/streams/ /backup/

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/appname/streams/

sudo ln -s /mnt/vod_storage/folder/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/appname/streams

After creating the symbolic link, you need to change the permissions of both the base directory and target directory using below commands.

sudo chown -R antmedia:antmedia /usr/local/antmedia

sudo chown -R antmedia:antmedia /mnt/vod_storage/folder

Import recordings from another directory

In order to link another directory containing MP4 files as VoD directory on Web Panel, checkout this API.

Sample curl command to import/link the VODs from another directory on the server.

curl -X 'POST' 'https://IP:Port/AppName/rest/v2/vods/directory?directory=/home/recordings' -H 'accept: application/json' 

To remove/unlink the imported directory, check this API.

curl -X 'DELETE' '' -H 'accept: application/json'

Uploading records to S3

Please check S3 Intergration documentation to record and upload streams to the s3 bucket.

To record the HLS, MP4/WebM or PNG files to the bucket, you can use the following setting;

"uploadExtensionsToS3": 7

You can change this property in the Application's Advanced settings on web panel. The default value is 7, which records all HLS, MP4/WebM and PNG files.

This setting is a number where the digits represent whether an upload will be done or not. The least significant digit switches MP4/WebM files, the second switches HLS and the third for PNG.

Example: uploadExtensionsToS3=5 ( 101 in binary ) means upload MP4 and PNG but not HLS.

Possible values are as follows:

  • Don't upload anything: uploadExtensionsToS3=0

  • Only (MP4/WebM) upload: uploadExtensionsToS3=1

  • HLS upload only: uploadExtensionsToS3=2

  • HLS and record upload: uploadExtensionsToS3=3

  • PNG upload only: uploadExtensionsToS3=4

  • PNG and record upload: uploadExtensionsToS3=5

  • PNG and HLS upload: uploadExtensionsToS3=6

  • Upload everything: uploadExtensionsToS3=7

Other than MP4 and WebM, HLS recording can also be done. Check out the HLS recording document.